Data Analysis

Fig. 1

Figure 1 shows the changes in March’s temperature over the years in the US.  This year has been much than last year. Some places, however, did not have colder temperatures; they  actually had above average temperatures.  The places with higher than average temperatures were states located along the west coast; everyone else had colder temperatures this year.  Even though this year’s ongoing winter makes some people reject the idea of global warming, the graph in figure 1 shows that over the years, the temperature changes are on a pretty steady increase.


Fig 2

                The month with the highest average temperature in Madison is July with the average being 71 degrees.  The coldest month in Madison is January with an average of 16 degrees.  Milwaukee’s warmest month on average is July with 70.9 as the average temperature.  January is the coldest month with an average Temperature of 18.9 degrees.

Madison WI gets the most precipitation in august, with 4 inches being the average. January and February are tied for the least amount of precipitation with 1.1 inches as the average rainfall.  July and August get the most rain in Milwaukee; the average rainfall for those months is 3.5”.  The month with the least amount of rainfall is February which gets about 1.5” on average.

            Both cities peak in July with temperature and have their coldest month in January. Both cities are pretty close to the same temperatures; the warmest and coldest temperatures only range by about 1 degree. Milwaukee averages totaled are .9 degrees warmer than Madison.  The times of most precipitation are the same as well, only differing by .5” and the month of least precipitation differs by .4 inches.  Overall Milwaukee receives 2 more inches of rainfall each year than Madison.

            Comparing weather from Minneapolis to Eau Claire, you can see that Eau Claire has gotten more precipitation over time.  Minneapolis has gotten 2.73” of precipitation and 6.8” of snow while Eau Claire has gotten 3.55” of precipitation and 7.1” of snow.  Eau Claire getting more snow could be because we get more effects from the great lakes.  The data may also be off because Minneapolis is so big, it’s hard to know exactly which areas the data comes from.  Weather throughout the city may all be different.       


Looking at world climate, the data for Eau Claire’s airport area is from 1949-1993.  This can be a problem because as we saw in figure one, the climate has been warming.  If you compare this old data to other areas with new data the results will be inaccurate.

            Comparing data with multiple locations will give more accurate results of how Eau Claire differs from all surrounding areas.  Comparing it to one other place doesn’t give as much detail on how much we are affected by our geography.  You need to see certain cities compared to many other geographies to get a full grasp.  Water, Mountains, valleys, and Building structures all influence the climate of each location. Larger bodies of water may cause much more precipitation.  Mountains and valleys will change dew points from area to area and block winds.  Buildings and higher populated areas cause what we learned about before “an Urban Heat Island” by blocking winds and producing more heat. It basically creates its own climate zone in specific areas.

            When you compare the climographs you can see a similar pattern between precipitation and Temperature.  The Temperature gets higher mid-summer and the precipitation goes up with it until peak temperature there is a dip in the precipitation level.  The dip could be caused by the air being able to hold more moisture.  Milwaukee has a strange rise in precipitation April and November.  Most of the other cities have small increases of precipitation in those areas but Milwaukees really stands out.  They are a larger city and are located next to a large body of water that will cause more precipitation to hit them during eastern winds.

For the most part the Temperature lines on the graphs keep the same pattern in their own month.  February and January have a similar shape while April and March have a similar shape to eachother.  All the months seem to have low temperatures at the beginning/end of the month.  As far as precipitation, April has the most.  Though the winter months have a lot of snow, snow accounts for a lot fewer inches.

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