
The Picture directly above shows points collected on our campus by different groups of the class.  The data collected for each point is tempurature, dew point, wind speed and direction.  There were 5 groups and each group collected data at different times and even different days.  So basically using the map as a whole is completely worthless.  Data at night is going to have colder temperatures than day-time data.  And different days are different temperatures and different winds.  So the map above shows no significant pattern.

Above is the different Temperature readings taken by our group.  Some of the smaller circles are because the sun had just gone down and it was beginning to become colder.  Others have to do with distance from water and blocking of the cold winds coming through.
The map aove shows dew point.  When you compare it to temperature, you can see the negative correlation it has. When the tempurature drops, the dew point increases.
This Map shows wind speed.  This was effected by high pressure moving to areas of low pressure so there are higher speeds near the water.  Buildings also block wind, you can see that on upper campus, the wind readings are all very different in areas surrounded by buildings.
This map shows a geospatial map of temperature.  This map will show where areas of low and high temperature are according to our data collected.

Here is the Geospatial Dew Point map.  This shows areas of high and low dew points, once again you can see the opposite effect of the Temperature.
This shows the areas of highest wind speed. It also corresponds with areas of the lowest temperatures.

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